Mission Statement and Committee Members   

Kidlington Connections is a well-established community group with a broad and open membership. 

Our purpose is to support and enhance the businesses and community of Kidlington by bringing people together in a local setting to share ideas and knowledge. We hold regular meetings, advertised on our website and all are welcome. 

You don’t need to be a member to attend an event so come along and give us a try. For many years Kidlington Voice has held regular monthly breakfast meetings with an inspirational speaker, a good breakfast and the chance to meet and learn from new people. 

Whatever your background, whether you live, learn or work in Kidlington, Kidlington Voice will help you grow, meet new people and learn more about Kidlington. 

 If, like us, you share an interest in the past, present and future of Kidlington then come along and find out more.

Nicholas Tonks - Chairman Kidlington Voice Network Group

Nicholas Tonks - Chairman

Nigel Simpson - Committe Member Kidlington Voice Network Group

Nigel Simpson - Vice-Chairman

Alan - Vice Chairman Kidlington Voice Network Group

Alan Sowden -Treasurer

Cheryl-Lee Foulsham Kidlington Voice Network Group

Cheryl-Lee Foulsham - Marketing & Events

Becki Considine - Secretary Kidlington Voice Network Group

Becky Considine - Secretary

Victorial Russell - Network

Victoria Russell - Network